3 min readMay 3, 2024


In the age of digital connectivity, social media platforms like Twitter have become a common ground for interactions that span the globe. However, this interconnectedness also opens the door to various forms of online scams, some of which prey on the goodwill of individuals. For more than two years I have been seen certain pattern of behavior of some users that highlight the potential risks involved in such interactions.

It was January 2021. I was in a Twitter Space an somebody showed up and ask for the microphone and he said he was Gambia, and requested a donation for food, claiming his family was in dire need. The requester promised to send a picture of a bag of rice as proof of purchase if a sum of $50 was sent through a cash pickup service provided by a website that appeared legitimate.

To establish trust, the requester sent photographs of himself holding a piece of paper with the Twitter user’s handle written on it. Despite these efforts to appear genuine, the situation raised suspicions, especially when the requester failed to respond to inquiries about receiving aid from others.

While the desire to help those in need is commendable, it is crucial to exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of such requests. Online scams often use emotional appeals and seemingly genuine proofs to solicit money from unsuspecting individuals. According to the FBI, common online scams exploit trust and manipulate emotions to deceive victims1. Forbes also outlines various online scams, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and protecting oneself from potential fraud2.

Before responding to charity requests, it is advisable to conduct thorough checks using resources like CharityCheck101.org or GuideStar Charity Check, which provide information on legitimate charities and non-profit organizations34. It is also recommended to be wary of unsolicited requests for money, especially when they come from individuals or organizations that are not well-known or established.

While social media and social audio in particular can be a powerful tool for connecting with others and supporting charitable causes, it is essential to remain informed and cautious to avoid falling victim to online scams. By verifying requests and seeking out reputable organizations, individuals can ensure that their generosity reaches those who truly need it. Remember, when in doubt, it’s better to err on the side of caution and conduct due diligence before making any donations.

The second part of this article includes the results of collecting information from almost 20 users following the same pattern that I came across in Twitter Spaces.

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Alberto Daniel Hill is a hacker and a cybersecurity expert from Uruguay. 1st #HACKER sent to #PRISON in #URUGUAY: http://darknetdiaries.com/episode/25