This has allowed me to gain valuable insights and knowledge that I might not have otherwise had access to.

1 min readMay 5, 2023


Throughout my life, I have found that being easy going and friendly has helped me to connect with people from all walks of life. I have always been someone who is quick to laugh and can find amusement in even the most mundane situations.

I have also learned the value of being a keen observer and watching and learning from those around me. This has allowed me to gain valuable insights and knowledge that I might not have otherwise had access to.

Most importantly, I firmly believe that one voice can make a difference. Throughout my life, I have seen firsthand the power that a single individual can have in effecting change. However, I also recognize that real change often requires the collective efforts of many voices working together towards a common goal.

Overall, I believe that being open-minded, friendly, and observant, while also recognizing the power of individual and collective action, can lead to a fulfilling and impactful life.




Alberto Daniel Hill is a hacker and a cybersecurity expert from Uruguay. 1st #HACKER sent to #PRISON in #URUGUAY: